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Alicia Silverstone, the beloved actress known for her iconic role as Cher in the 1995 film Clueless, recently shared a light-hearted yet alarming update on her Instagram account after an unexpected encounter with a mysterious fruit. On Tuesday, August 20, Silverstone posted a follow-up message to reassure her followers, stating, “I’m alive and well!” She humorously added, “Don’t worry…I didn’t swallow,” calming the nerves of her concerned fans.
The incident occurred when the 47-year-old actress picked an orange-colored fruit from a fresh batch she had come across. Capturing the moment on video, Silverstone appeared puzzled by the fruit’s identity. “Okay, I’ve discovered something that I can’t figure out what it is, and I need your help,” she announced to her Instagram audience.
In the video, she explained that she had bitten into the fruit while walking on the street and was trying to determine whether it was a tomato. “It’s definitely not, because look at these leaves,” she said, showing the camera the plant’s distinctive foliage. “What the heck is this?” she asked, clearly perplexed, told CNN.
Undeterred by her initial bite, Silverstone took another taste of the fruit, revealing its interior, which contained larger seeds. Still unsure about what she was eating, she turned to her followers for answers. “I don’t think you’re supposed to eat this, it’s almost like a pepper. Does anybody know what this is? I’m in England,” she inquired, hoping for some quick crowd-sourced wisdom.
Her fans quickly flooded the comments section with advice and warnings. One concerned follower urgently wrote, “It’s poisonous. Don’t eat that.” Another cautioned, “DON’T EAT wild berries or mushrooms or other ‘weird stuff’. I want you to be safe and healthy!” A third commenter identified the mysterious fruit, declaring, “It’s a Jerusalem cherry. Don’t eat it!”
The Jerusalem cherry, as many of Silverstone’s followers pointed out, is known to be toxic if ingested. Fortunately, Silverstone’s follow-up post confirmed that she had not swallowed the fruit, much to the relief of her fans. The incident serves as a lighthearted reminder to be cautious when foraging or sampling unfamiliar plants, especially when their identity is uncertain. Silverstone’s candid and humorous approach to the situation resonated with her followers, who were glad to see their favorite actress in good spirits after the scare.