In a tragic turn of events last year, a 14-year-old New York City girl lost her life...
In a tragic incident that has left a community in mourning, a beloved U.S. Postal Service carrier...
Former Philadelphia police officer Edsaul Mendoza has been sentenced to eight to 20 years in prison following...
A chilling video released by the Philadelphia Police Department captures a harrowing moment on Meridian Street, where...
Nearly a decade ago, a 14-year-old girl from a small town in Michigan was brutally murdered while...
Sherry Holtz was brutally killed in 1999, and for over two decades, her murder went unsolved —...
A 6-year-old California girl, Scarlett Corona, is battling for her life after being mauled by two pit...
They were a joyful little family—two parents madly in love, captivated by their firstborn, delighting in his...
A Tennessee woman and her boyfriend are facing charges, including murder and child abuse, in connection with...
An Arkansas man pleaded guilty this week to the 2022 murder of his girlfriend’s young son, whose...