Image Source: Getty Images | Photo by Chip Somodevilla
Donald Trump reportedly agreed to have a child with Melania Trump, but only after securing her promise that she would return to her pre-pregnancy body. This striking detail emerged from a source who visited the couple’s home while Melania was pregnant with their son, Barron Trump. The visitor recalled Donald insisting that Melania reassured him about her figure before they had Barron. “She promised him that everything would go back to the way it was,” the source shared.
The source described the exchange as more of a “contract” than a mutual desire between partners. Donald’s behavior during Melania’s pregnancy reportedly reflected little in the way of care or tenderness. “There was no ‘How do you feel?’… No opening of doors, [or] making sure she didn’t fall. Just ‘You wanted to have a baby,’” the source told Vanity Fair, shedding light on the transactional nature of the relationship at the time.
This anecdote is consistent with Trump’s well-known obsession with women’s appearances. In one notorious instance, Trump told Howard Stern that he would only stay with Melania after a car accident if “her breasts remained intact.” His preoccupation with youth and beauty was further illustrated by jokes he made about dating 24-year-olds while still married to Melania.
Trump even considered 35, the age at which Melania became pregnant with Barron, to be the “checkout time” for women. A source close to Trump remarked, “She was well aware of the man she married.” Melania’s friend, Lisa Bytner, characterized her attitude as “live and let live,” a disposition that may have made her the ideal third wife for Trump—beautiful and low-maintenance.
“She doesn’t make waves,” echoed another friend, William Eubanks. “She speaks only when spoken to. She’s just very sweet.” This dynamic was also evident during an interview with journalist Michael D’Antonio, who recounted Trump pleading with Melania to compliment him: “He said, ‘Tell him I’m a really good husband.’ She looked at him, and he repeated himself. And she said, ‘Yeah, he’s a really good husband.’ It was being dragged out of her.”
Speculation about Melania leaving Donald has persisted for years, particularly after his infamous comments on the Access Hollywood tape surfaced in 2016. The recording caught Trump bragging about kissing and groping women without their consent. Despite widespread outrage, Melania publicly stood by him, stating, “I believe my husband… This was all organized by the opposition. And with the details… did they ever check the background of these women? They don’t have any facts,” she told She Knows.
Over time, Melania has remained an enigmatic figure, with her primary focus always appearing to be on raising their son Barron. According to reports, she was initially reluctant for Trump to run for president, fearing that he might actually win. Her hesitation to fully embrace the role of First Lady was evident, as she even delayed moving to the White House after Trump’s victory.