A devastating incident in Poinciana, Florida, has left a community in shock after 14-year-old Giselle Glover died...
Rose Chane
Leilani Simon, a 22-year-old Georgia mother convicted of murdering her 20-month-old son Quinton Simon, has been sentenced...
Christopher Darnell Jones Jr., a former University of Virginia (UVA) student, pleaded guilty on November 20 to...
Authorities have made an arrest following a months-long investigation into the April 2023 killing of an Arizona...
Footage of slain college student Laken Riley’s final moments has been released. The Augusta University nursing student was...
Brittany Patterson, a Georgia mother, is facing a charge of reckless conduct after allowing her 10-year-old son,...
Kanye West, now legally known as Ye, faces a lawsuit filed by former Yeezy project manager Murphy...
Authorities in Lea County, New Mexico, have uncovered a disturbing scene at a Jal residence, where at...
In a tragic case from Michigan, a young mother has been charged with murder following the death...
Australian Man Nicknamed ‘Harry Potter’ Accused of Teen’s Murder, Allegedly Said ‘I’ll Get You Good’
Australian Man Nicknamed ‘Harry Potter’ Accused of Teen’s Murder, Allegedly Said ‘I’ll Get You Good’
Australian authorities have charged 32-year-old Jacob Greig, who goes by the nickname “Harry Potter” on social media,...